We are a 23-year premiere B2B contingency based consulting firm specializing in finding CASH incentives for U.S. based businesses without the need for loans or financing to improve your cash flow.
Our intelligent software continuously learns and identifies over 100 incentives for all types of businesses. Qualifications fall into two categories:
Employers & Commercial Property Owners.
Manufactures, Commercial Property Owners, Apartments Complexes, Factories, Auto Dealerships, Hotels/Motels, Resorts, Grocery Stores, Restaurants, Hospitals & Medical Facilities and more.
We spend our money first to determine the incentives and amount of Cash that's available for your business. We are contingency based, so if we cannot find any money for your business, there is no fee.
Our clients stay plugged in to our intelligent software for years so they can continuously find more Cash incentives and cost savings measures from the ever evolving Local, State and Federal programs.
Main street businesses are struggling. Any method to find free money, improve Cash Flow, and increase profitability (without loans or financing obligations), is a welcome conversation.
Knowing is Critical
Knowing there is a solution is the first step!
You're reading this website for a reason and now you are aware your bottom line could be improved.
A 10 Minute Conversation Is All You Need!
"There's a Way to Do It Better - Find It!"
Thomas Edison
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We look forward to your questions.
GMG Specialized Tax Incentives
Business Cash Incentives.com